Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Going Blue

A couple of weeks ago I was walking though my neighborhood and ran into a dear friend. (The well educated, and informed author of this blog.) As we were talking, a Waste Management truck came up and emptied her overstuffed, busting out at the seams, blue recycle container. I had seen these blue cans around was curious to learn a little more about them. I had the misconception that these cans were used to haul newspapers and old phone books to some paper recycling center. Mostly for those who didn’t want to take the time to empty their personal containers at one of the drop dumpsters. Oh, little did I know. Did you know how many items you can recycle in these blue cans? I sure didn't. Check out the list here.

As a Provo resident, I called the number on my city utility bill and ordered my very own blue recyclables only container. You don't live in Provo? Click here for information on curbside recycling in Utah county.

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